Massage by America Jenkins

Massage therapist treating a client.


My name is America Jenkins. I honestly believe in massage therapy as the best method of healing. 

During my time at Utah College of Massage Therapy, I was able to learn many modalities that are used around the world to alleviate pain and revitalize the body through the power of natural healing. 

As a licensed massage therapist, I have seen many people benefit from the power of massage. I love hearing my patients tell me all the things they have gained from it, such as improved range of motion, circulation, decreased headaches, relaxation, and more!

I currently work for Freedom Square Chiropractic as a massage therapist, where I am able to see my patients recover not only through massage, but through all aspects of chiropractic therapy. I absolutely love that my job allows me to see my patients improve. If you are experiencing any bodily pain or discomfort, or if you would simply like quality relaxation time, I would love to see if massage therapy can help you!